Texas Council on Family Violence Calls on Texans to Support Full Funding for Family Violence Services in Purple Postcard Campaign at State Capitol

Austin, Texas — The Texas Council on Family Violence (TCFV) is teaming up with legislators, law enforcement, judges, family violence services advocates and interested Texans to send a message of support for full funding for family violence services. Over the past several weeks, TCFV has collected thousands of purple postcards from state domestic violence programs,
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K9Cuisine.com Now Offers Wellness Premium, All Natural Pet Food

Paris, Illinois – K9Cuisine.com, one of the web’s fastest growing online pet food stores, is proud to add Wellness pet products as a new, healthy natural selection for pet owners. “The Wellness product line is a great addition to our existing offering of all natural pet foods. Wellness is perfect for dogs and cats of
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Loveisrespect.org Launches Love Mashup to Kickoff National Teen Dating Violence Awareness Week February 2-6, 2009

Austin, Texas — Today the National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline (NTDAH) launched the new online application Love Mashup! The LOVE message moviemaker from loveisrespect.org. Users can make quick movies using art and sound elements from the LOVE campaign to spread the message of healthy dating. Love Mashup allows teens to make their own movies, from
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K9Cuisine.com Promises Free Premium Dog Food for President Obama’s New Dog at The White House

Paris, Illinois – President Barack Obama is known for being high tech, not wanting to give up his BlackBerry at the White House, and for being healthy, wanting a hypoallergenic dog for his daughters. The Obama’s have narrowed down their choice for the new First Dog and are looking in Washington-area shelters. Sasha and Malia
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Economy—Brides on a Budget Getting “Married” to New Ideas

Houston, Texas – Once thought to be recession-proof, even the wedding industry is starting to feel the effects of a struggling economy. Boosted by the glamour of TV shows like “The Bachelor,” bridal budgets have been steadily climbing for years, but now the 73-billion dollar industry is discovering that it too is hitched for better
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