Westwick Homeowners Fear for Their Safety on Their Streets, Rally Today Asking the City to Help

School Children Nearly Run Down Getting Off School Buses, Neighborhood Pets Killed by Speeding Cars and Numerous Cars and Houses Hit by Dangerous Traffic Diverted Through Small Neighborhood   Houston, Texas — More than 3,300 cars and trucks a day barrel down Wickchester, a once-quiet, tree-shaded street in the small neighborhood of Westwick HOA. Now,
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The Comfort Crew for Military Kids Salutes Our Veterans this Veterans Day by Joining Austin’s Veterans Day Parade and Launching a Special Showing of a Symposium to Help Military Children on KLRU-TV

Comfort Crew Military Advsiory Board Member, Lt. Michael E. Thornton, Former Navy Seal is Grand Marshal of the Veterans Day Parade   Austin, Texas — The Comfort Crew for Military Kids, a national non-profit based in Austin, Texas, is proud to march with our veterans in the Travis County and City of Austin Veterans Day
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The Comfort Crew Golf Classic is Coming to the UT Golf Club on November 5, 2012

Featuring Special Guest, Lt. Michael E. Thornton, Congressional Medal of Honor Recipient, the Highest Honor in the United States   Austin, Texas – The Comfort Crew for Military Kids, a national non-profit based in Austin, Texas, is teaming up with the UT Golf Club to host the Comfort Crew Golf Classic in Austin this November
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