Honoring Texas Victims: 158 Women Killed in Texas in 2015 –– The Highest Number of Women Killed in Texas Since the Inception of the TCFV Project 25 Years Ago



For Immediate Release

Chau Nguyen, Houston Area Women’s Center 832-646-8789 cnguyen@hawc.org

Susan Risdon, TCFV, 214-226-6741, susan@redmediagroupllc.com

Anna Marie Johnson Teague, A CALL TO MEN, 713-858-5423, annamarie@acalltomen.org

Harris County Has the Highest Number of Domestic Violence Homicides in the State at 34 – 4 Murders in Brazoria County, 3 in Ft. Bend, Galveston and Montgomery Counties- Bringing the Total to 47 Domestic Violence Homicides in the Greater Houston Area in One Year

Houston, Texas – October 4, 2016 – The Texas Council on Family Violence (TCFV) today released a new report that shows the largest increase in the number of women killed in domestic violence homicides since the inception of the project 25 years ago.  The women were killed in domestic violence murders in Texas by their husband, ex-husband, intimate partner, boyfriend or ex-boyfriend.  158 women were killed in Texas in 2015, the deadliest year for women in Texas.  That’s a 19% increase over last year – the largest number of fatalities documented by TCFV since the inception of the project.

132 women were killed in domestic violence murders in 2014.  119 women were killed in 2013.  114 women were killed in 2012.  102 women were killed in 2011.

Harris County had the highest number of deaths in the state with 34 domestic violence murders, followed by Dallas with 13 domestic violence homicides followed by El Paso with nine murders, Bexar County with nine and Tarrant County with six.

In addition, there were 2 murders in Brazoria County, 3 murders each in Ft. Bend, Galveston and Montgomery Counties bringing the total number of women killed in the greater surrounding Houston area to 47.

Tony Porter, CEO of a Call to Men, Houston Police Captain Dana Hitzman, Special Victims Division, Deborah Mosley, Executive Director, Bridge Over Troubled Waters in Pasadena and TCFV Board member, Rebecca White, CEO at the Houston Area Women’s Center joined Texas Council on Family Violence CEO Gloria Terry at a news conference in Houston to unveil the annual report titled: Honoring Texas Victims: Family Violence Fatalities.”

“158 innocent lives were lost and 158 families forever changed in senseless domestic violence murders in Texas.  47 lives were lost in the greater Houston area.  When a tragic loss like this happens, it reminds all of us, how dangerous domestic violence can be to a family and a community and how much more work there is to be accomplished to ensure victims find help and safety before it’s too late,” said Gloria A. Terry, CEO of the Texas Council on Family Violence.  “Honoring Texas Victims: Family Violence Fatalities recognizes all Texas family violence victims lost in this tragic crime.  The high number of deaths is one reason why we are proud to partner today with Tony Porter and a Call to Men. His innovative program of creating a world where all men and boys are loving and respectful and all women and girls are valued and safe, could help us turn the tables on these terrible statistics in the future. “

“A CALL TO MEN is working for each of the families listed in the Honoring Texas Victims Report.  We are working for the hope that next year, there will be fewer women listed, and even fewer in the next,” said Tony Porter, CEO of A CALL TO MEN.  “Changing what we teach men and boys about women and girls is the key to ending the violence and discrimination that not only hurts – and kills women – but prevents men from being their authentic selves.  A CALL TO MEN is grateful to TCFV for partnering with us in prevention efforts.”

“The release of the 2015 Honoring Victims Report coincides with Domestic Violence Awareness Month, which is in October.  Domestic Violence all to often ends with tragic results.  HPD is deeply committed to addressing domestic violence.  The information in this report can help us focus on how we can strategically reduce incidents of domestic violence.  The biggest take away from this is report is the knowledge of how very lethal domestic violence can be and the importance of connecting the victims of domestic violence with resources and support.  All too often domestic violence is unreported and this report highlights the need for victims of domestic violence to speak out and report the crime. If you are experiencing domestic violence in the city of Houston call the Houston Police Department Family Violence Unit at 713-308-1100,” said Captain Dana Hitzman, Houston Police Department.

“This important report should motivate all of us to strive to gain more resources for victims of domestic violence.  Research shows that shelters save lives and we know that shelters across the state have to turn away 39% of victims because there is no room at the time when victims are in the most danger.  That can lead to deadly consequences,” said Deborah Moseley, Executive Director of the Bridge Over Troubled Waters and TCFV Board Member.

“During Domestic Violence Awareness Month, we focus on three important elements of ending violence – supporting survivors, holding abusers accountable and perhaps, most important, preventing the violence before it begins by challenging the underlying attitudes and beliefs that feed violent behavior.  We are proud to partner with other agencies and organizations locally and across the country that share our commitment to ending violence on all three fronts. Together we will make violence a part of our past and not a tragic daily reality.,” said Rebecca White, President and CEO of the Houston Area Women’s Center.

The report released by the Texas Council on Family Violence and compiled from data from the Texas Department of Public Safety, Texas law enforcement agencies and media reports list names of the victims and gives brief accounts of their deaths.

Anyone who is a victim of domestic violence and needs help can call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE.



Texas Council on Family Violence is the only 501(c) 3 nonprofit coalition in Texas dedicated solely to creating safer communities and freedom from family violence. With a state-wide reach and direct local impact, TCFV, with the collective strength of more than 1000 members, shapes public policy, equips service providers, and initiates strategic prevention efforts. Visit us online at http://www.tcfv.org/

The Houston Area Women’s Center helps individuals affected by domestic and sexual violence in their efforts to move their lives forward.  We provide a safe place to stay, counseling and advocacy to support survivors in building lives free from the effects of violence. All services are free of charge and confidential.  Visit us online at www.hawc.org

A CALL TO MEN™ educates men all over the world on healthy, respectful manhood.  Embracing and promoting a healthy, respectful manhood prevents violence against women, sexual assault and harassment, bullying and many other social ills.  A CALL TO MEN is a violence prevention organization and respected leader on issues of manhood, male socialization and its intersection with violence, and preventing violence against all women and girls.  For more information, visit www.acalltomen.org.  Follow A CALL TO MEN on Facebook and Twitter @acalltomen.