Conservative Texans for Charitable Bingo Aim to Increase Money for Charities

San Antonio, Texas – August 10, 2016 -Conservative Texans for Charitable Bingo held a meeting of the members and a regular board meeting on Aug.10, 2016 at Northeast Bingo in San Antonio.  The group, which represents charities from all over the state of Texas, is working on the legislative agenda for the 2017 legislative session.

At the board meeting, Co-Director of Conservative Texans for Charitable Bingo Will Martin discussed the groups proposed legislative agenda for the upcoming 2017 Texas Legislative Session, which includes working with lawmakers to find ways to increase revenue for charities across Texas.

Red Media Group Managing Partner Angela Hale, Co-Director and board member of the organization, presented the group’s long term plans for the future of Charitable Bingo in Texas.

Last year, Charitable Bingo raised $28 million dollars for charities across Texas.  Conservative Texans for Charitable Bingo has a goal to double the amount of money going to Texas charities in the next five years with an ultimate goal of quadrupling the amount of money in the next 10 years helping more than 1,000 charities in Texas.

The revenue created at no expense to taxpayers by Charitable Bingo goes to help the Boys and Girls Clubs, The American Legion, The Veterans of Foreign Wars, Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA), The Boy Scouts, The Kiwanas Club, Children’s Museums and Citizens with Disabilities among many other charities that serve our citizens across the state.

“We have a bold vision to raise $100 million dollars a year to help Texas charities and help our communities.  We need every charity across the state of Texas to get involved and support our efforts to educate lawmakers about the critical role money from bingo plays in helping fund charities.  Revenue that provides critical help and assistance for citizens and veterans across the state.  We believe by working together we can make a difference in people’s lives in our communities across Texas and bring in more money for charity through bingo.  Charitable Bingo should bring in more money to Texas charities, especially in these lean times where government is strained for resources.  Charitable Bingo is a way we can bring in more money to help our citizens at no cost to the taxpayer,” said Angela Hale, Co-Director of Conservative Texans for Charitable Bingo.

The members also elected three new Board Members for Conservative Texans for Charitable Bingo.  The new board members are Stephanie Walls of Friends of Conroe in Houston, Anna Salas-Trevino of LULAC in San Antonio and Adrian Gould of the Dr. Bowie Scholarship Foundation of San Antonio.

Texas Lottery Commission Charitable Bingo Operations Director Alfonso Royal also gave a report on the Texas Lottery Commission’s adoption of amendments to existing charitable bingo rules and adoption of the new rule on Military Service members, Veterans, and Military Spouses and the implementation of the rule amendments, specifically, the bond and $50 prize rules; ledger reconciliation project; 4% budget cut to be included in the Commission’s Legislative Appropriations Request; and, upcoming legislative session.



Conservative Texans for Charitable Bingo is a non-profit group of Texas charities and supporters who believe in helping fund local charity needs through the game of bingo as regulated by the state. More than 900 charities across Texas raise money for children, veterans, education, fine arts, special needs citizens, and more. Total Charitable proceeds for the people of Texas now exceeds more than $1 billion dollars.