Houston Business and Republican Leaders Say Proposition 1 Is Good for Business

HOUSTON – Today a number of the cities most high profile business and republican leaders expressed their support for Houston’s Equal Rights Ordinance saying Houston’s reputation on the national and international stage is at stake. The business community says it is critical to support Proposition 1 because there is a strong connection between Houston’s community spirit and growing businesses and creating jobs.

“Support of the Equal Rights Proposition is critical to Houston’s continued growth and development as we compete to attract new businesses and urge our existing businesses to grow and expand,” said Ed Wulfe, Chairman and CEO of Wulfe & Co and Board member of the Executive Committee of the Greater Houston Partnership. “A vote for Proposition 1 is an opportunity for Houston voters to take charge and make a clear statement that we embrace our multicultural reputation – where everyone has a chance to be treated equally, work hard and enjoy Houston’s bustling economy and quality of life.”

Proposition 1 protects all Houstonians from discrimination based on race, religion, gender, veteran states and more. The Ordinance is a local tool for people who are victims of intentional discrimination. The ordinance requires a timely complaint, investigation and decision at the local level. This will save time and litigation costs.

Joining Wulfe in his endorsement of Proposition 1 today were Charles Foster, Chairman of Foster; Gilbert Herrera, former president of the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce; Welcome Wilson, Chairman of the Board, Welcome Group; Dan Bellow, President – of Jones Lang LaSalle, Americas Inc.; Jackie Martin, Principal with J S Martin Associates; and Anne Clutterbuck, Vice President of AECOM and former Houston councilmember.

“The single greatest asset Houston has to offer is its ability to attract and retain the best talent from around the world. To compete with other economic hubs and remain the number one state in the nation to do business, Houston must demonstrate a commitment to creating an open, healthy and diverse workforce. The next generation of workers, millennials, are making permanent decisions about where they’re going to start their career and we want those talented people to come to Houston. We don’t want them to cross Houston off the list because our city is perceived as discriminating against their friends, families and co-workers,” said Welcome Wilson Senior, Chairman of the Board, Welcome Group and Greater Houston Partnership Higher Education Chairman and former University of Houston Board of Regents and was recently inducted into the Texas Business Hall of Fame.

“I’m Supporting Prop. 1 – It’s good for economic growth and sends a strong signal to the business community in Texas and around the world that Houston is open for business and that we want to attract the very best and brightest talent,” said Anne Clutterbuck, Vice President of AECOM and former councilmember.

Earlier this week, the Greater Houston Partnership released a newspaper ad listing top executives and companies in Houston supporting the Equal Rights Proposition who are members of the Greater Houston Partnership, Greater Houston Convention and Visitors Bureau, Houston Association of Realtors and the American Marketing Association of Houston.


Houston Unites is the campaign working to win a “YES” vote on Proposition 1, Houston’s Equal Rights Ordinance, in November. The leading partners include: ACLU of Texas, Equality Texas, Freedom for All Americans, Human Rights Campaign, NAACP Houston Branch and Texas Freedom Network.