Executive Directors from Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Programs from Around the State Gather in Austin for Joint Conference

Austin, Texas – The Texas Association Against Sexual Assault (TAASA) and The Texas Council on Family Violence (TCFV) Executive Directors from domestic violence shelters and rape crisis centers in Texas gather to discuss emerging issues in serving survivors and challenging societal misconceptions about both topics.

Sexual assault and domestic violence issues received welcomed attention recently with the City of Dallas’ Mayor Mike Rawlings hosting of “A Rally against Domestic Violence” and President Obama’s announcement of the “White House task force to protect students from sexual assault.” Executive Directors are unique in their responsibility to effectively serve victims while working to prevent the occurrences of abuse altogether.

This year’s Conference will be held at the Hyatt Regency Lost Pines Resort and Spa on February 18 and 19, 2014. Executive directors are expected to have a large set of skills to help their agencies thrive. Fundraising, board relationships, staff management and program development are pressing issues leaders will discuss.

“Bringing together leaders who shape their respective communities response to the complex needs of victims is essential. They not only learn from key presenters on relevant topics, they also learn from one another. These practices keep us focused on providing the safety, empowerment, tools and resources that best serve families in crisis,” says Gloria A. Terry, CEO of TCFV.

Victims of sexual and domestic do not differentiate sexual assault services from those carved for family violence. What they do seek are sensitive and knowledgeable advocates, resources, and assistance to take the first successful steps towards becoming survivors.

As programs continue to expand our vision for leaders in Texas working with these vulnerable populations, they determined that a true and genuine partnership between coalitions provides the greatest opportunities for success. TCFV and TAASA work jointly to maximize efforts for developing impeccable services across the state for lives disrupted by violence.

“This conference gives the leadership of sexual assault and domestic violence agencies across the state an opportunity to enhance their skill sets on myriad issues impacting non-profits. It’s more important today than ever to foster strong, efficient, and well-managed organizations that both serve victims and positively impact their respective communities,” says Annette Burrhus-Clay, Executive Director of TAASA.

TAASA and TCFV hope that by joining forces they can unite the strong voices of the violence against women movement in Texas and provide vital resources to our members.


The Texas Association Against Sexual Assault (TAASA) is the statewide organization committed to ending sexual violence in Texas. A non-profit educational and advocacy organization based in Austin, TAASA member agencies comprise a statewide network of more than 80 crisis centers that serve rural as well as metropolitan areas. Founded in 1982, the agency has a strong record of success in community education, legal services, youth outreach, law enforcement training, legislative advocacy, and curricula and materials development. Additional information about TAASA can be found at www.taasa.org.

The Texas Council on Family Violence (TCFV), formed in 1978, is one of the largest domestic violence coalitions in the nation. TCFV promotes safe and healthy relationships by supporting service providers, facilitating strategic prevention efforts, and creating opportunities for freedom from domestic violence. For more information visit www.tcfv.org.