Communications Director for House Speaker Straus Announces Departure to join Media Company

AUSTIN — House Speaker Joe Straus’s communications director, Angela Hale, today announced her departure from the Speaker’s office to join Red Media Group as managing partner. Red Media Group is a strategic communications company with offices in Austin and Dallas. Hale will begin providing consulting services in September, specializing in public relations, public affairs, crisis communications and multi-media production.

“Angela did an outstanding job communicating the priorities of the Texas Legislature during the 81st legislative session,” Speaker Straus said. “I was fortunate to have an experienced communications professional guiding me through my first session as Speaker of the Texas House of Representatives. Her years of dedicated service have truly benefited the State of Texas, and I know she will have great success in this new phase of her career.”

“I want to thank Speaker Straus for the opportunity to serve him and the Texas Legislature,” Hale said. “It was a distinct honor to help Texas continue to move forward and serve as a beacon for the nation, even during these challenging economic times.”

Prior to her service in the Speaker’s office, Hale served for six years as senior advisor and communications director to Attorney General Greg Abbott. During her tenure, Hale and her team modernized the agency’s website and consequently were honored with the “Best Online Technology Award” by the Western Conference of Attorneys General.

“Angela is a hard-working and dedicated professional who served the State of Texas and the Office of the Attorney General with distinction. I have no doubt that she will bring that same commitment and leadership to her future endeavors,” Attorney General Abbott said.

A graduate of Stephen F. Austin State University, Hale was an award-winning reporter at KTVT in Dallas-Fort Worth prior to her public service.