Forget the Cold Weather–Kissing Contest Heats Up the George R. Brown Convention Center

Houston, Texas – It may be below freezing outside, but it’s going to be hot and steamy inside the George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston.

Starting at noon couples will be puckering up the annual “Longest Kiss Contest” at the Bridal Extravaganza Show.

The rules are simple: No eating, no bathroom breaks, you must stay standing and you must stay lip-locked. The winning couple gets a free honeymoon.

“One year we had two couples who were so determined, they kissed all night long,” says Laurette Veres with the Bridal Extravaganza. “We finally ended up calling it a tie at the 22-hour mark for the safety of the bride and groom. Their pucker power was very impressive, but we thought it was best if we just split the prize and allow the couples to go home and put on some lip balm and get some sleep.”

In case you’re wondering, the record for the world’s longest kiss was set in New York City on December 5, 2001 when a couple kissed for 31 straight hours.

The Bridal Extravaganza runs through Sunday at 5pm. It’s one of the largest shows in the Southwest attracting nearly 20-thousand over the weekend.

For more information, contact:

Laurette Veres
Bridal Extravaganza Producer
(cell) 713-444-0726